The Fixed Stars represent an important and exciting ancient resource of knowledge for astrology on which much solid work has been done in the past and into our own times. But this is not currently a widely known field of astrology and the present work aims to greater clarity and organization of what #knowledge is available to us that can be of assistance to research.
Up until the #Renaissance, the fixed stars used to be a standard part of #astrology, but the marked fatalism associated with their Middle Ages interpretations fell into disfavor.
According to William Lily in Christian Astrology:
"the #Fixed stars give great gifts, and elevate even from poverty to an extreme height of fortune, the seven planets do not do so".
The #Arabs are the source for nearly all the names of the individual stars we use in western astronomy. Much of their knowledge of the fixed stars derived from the ancient Latin and #Greek writings, some of which are now extinct.
All the stars are based upon a more fundamental grouping into constellations; a group of stars near each other in space, resembling each other in certain characteristics, that suggest a common origin for the group.
#fixedstars #starlist #stars #constellations #zodiac #arabs #williamlilly #christianastrology #astro #signs #middleage #celestial #universe #cosmos #study #sky #correpondence #traditionalastrology #horoscope #zodiacsigns #astrologer #aries #virgo #scorpio #libra #pisces #cancer #capricorn #gemini #sagittarius #aquarius #taurus #astro #astrologia #sun #moon #asters